North Park University Prospective Student Zine

In the summer of 2020, the University Marketing and Communications (UMC) team was tasked with creating a new undergraduate recruitment publication. We wanted to design something more youthful to contrast with the blue-and-gold branded mailers students receive en masse. Inspired by risograph printing and texture trends, we planned out a half-letter ‘Zine’. I provided full-page and spot illustrations and created editorial spreads for this piece.

Creative direction and design by Susannah Kim.

Student Zine Stickers

We included a sticker sheet in the zine as an interactive element. For this process, I interviewed current students and alumni for relevant sticker ideas. I sketched 30+ options. Through a process of refining and making selects, we ended up with nine final stickers. Admissions counselors reported widespread positive feedback regarding this special takeaway.